How did you feel when you woke up today?
- no feeling. sleepy as always.
Would you ever donate blood?
- yes i do. in fact, hv donated a few times.
Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
- yes.. i dooo
What are you thinking about right now?
- going back?
Do you wish someone was with you right now?
- i wish.
What time did you go to sleep last night?
- 11.38pm
Where did you get the shirt your wearing?
- from forever 21 bought by my mother in law
Is someone on your mind right now?
- yes, my hubby.
Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
- not to that extent.
Who were you with last night?
- hubby darling
If someone liked you right now would you want them to tell you?
- married. & lets be friends!
Do you want someone you can't have?
- no. i have someone that i can have. i have him indeed.
Where were you at 2:02am this morning?
- sleeping. as always.
What were you doing at 7:00am?
- sleeping while my brother driving me to work
Last voice you heard before you went to bed?
- korean movie.. araso!!
First thing you ate today?
- fitness cereal
Do you think you are an argumentative person?
- oh yes!
Has this week been good?
- definitely!
Have you ever had a difficult relationship?
- yes i do..
Was yesterday better than today?
- yesterday better, as i'm relaxing at home. today is Monday people!
Are you happy right now?
- yes, i am!
Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?
- i am in a relationship
Who knows you better than you know yourself?
- no idea. my hubby?
What are you doing tonight?
- sleeping..
Are you excited for the future?
- yes.. i wanna be pregnant..
Do you find the opposite sex confusing?
- ahah..
Are you taller than 5'5"?
- nope.
What were you doing at 9 this morning?
- safety session.
Can you admit when you're wrong?
- i always admit things ive done wrong.
Do you think you would be a good wife/husband?
- yes i do. & i'm trying to..
Everything happens for a reason?
- definitely. Allah knows what best for the ummat
Do you have any pets?
- personally no. my hubby does!
What color shirt are you wearing?
- turquoise
Do you enjoy sleeping late?
- no. i'm a sleepy head
What was the last thing you dreamed about?
- no dream last nite for me
What's your favorite day of the week?
- friday & saturday!
What's your least favorite color?
- no idea
Have you ever caught a butterfly?
- yes.. back then in cameron.