Monday, September 2, 2013
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Kurus dengan Premium Beautiful
Hello readers, macam mana Raya so far?
Musim Raya hampir ke penghujung, tapi rumah terbuka masih lagi rancak tak kisahlah di mana mana pun.
Rumah terbuka saya?
Rumah saya sentiasa terbuka. Hehehe..
Tak payah tunggu musim Raya pun..
Tapi, kalau datang main terjah je, nanti dapat makan biskut kering dan teh o panas je lah ye..
Bulan raya ni mesti seronok makan kan?
Ye lah, rumah terbuka sana sini.
Dan yang penting, bukan selalu pun kan?
Tapi, dalam keseronokan kita menjamu selera, kadang-kadang kita tak sedar. Bila timbang, baru nak terkejut. Berat dah naik sampai 5kg! ataupun lebih... Suka ke tak suka ke, semua orang tahu.
Berat senang sangat naik, tapi, nak turun susah sangat.
So, jom lah pakat ramai ramai pakai Premium Beautiful.
Mungkin ramai dah tahu pasal Premium Beautiful kan?
Premium Beautiful Korset ni bukan sahaja boleh kuruskan badan, ia juga boleh kembali membentuk badan dan juga untuk menjaga kesihatan kaum Hawa.
Madia ada cerita pasal kebaikan Premium Beautiful Corset ni kat post yang lepas- lepas. Boleh lah check out ye..
Siapa yang boleh pakai Premium Beautiful?
SEMUA WANITA tak kira lah tua atau muda boleh memakai Premium Beautiful Korset
LELAKI pun boleh - tapi hanya terhad kepada bahagian untuk pinggang tu je --> Waist Nipper
Mahal lah, tak mampu nak beli.
Setakat ni, ada tak barang yang berkualiti harganya murah?
Kalau ada, tak pelik ke?
Untuk menghasilkan barangan yang berkualiti, mestilah barang-barang mentah yang digunakan dalam proses penghasilan tu bermutu tinggi.
Dan yang paling menarik!!
Kalau cangkuk rosak, kain terkoyak, jangan panik.
Boleh hantar untuk servis.
Berminat nak beli, macam mana ye?
Pada yang berminat, boleh hubungi saya.
Madia Tang - 017 6550848
SMS ke, whatsapp ke, or call terus. Senang.
Premium Beautiful ni custom made ikut bentuk badan individu.
Ukuran badan penting untuk dapatkan saiz yang sesuai.
Berapa ongkosnya?
Dalam anggaran RM2400 (kecik) - RM2600 (besar)
Mengikut saiz anda
Cara bayaran?
- bank transfer boleh ataupun nak bagi cash pun boleh
- ada dua pengiraan, sila rujuk di bawah.
Deposit - RM400, kemudian bulanan RM400 selama 5 bulan
2. Size besar (RM2600)
Deposit - RM600, kemudian bulanan RM400 selama 5 bulan
- Boleh buat RHB Easy
- Hanya perlu IC
- Cepat dan selamat
- RHB Easy Kiosk terdapat di semua cawangan RHB dan Tesco
Credit Card
- Swipe card dekat stockist Klang. Saya akan bawak anda pergi stockist dan terus dapat korset on the spot.
- Lebih mudah
- Untuk yang luar kawasan, boleh isi borang credit card. Selalunya ambil masa dalam 3 hari waktu bekerja untuk diluluskan. Once approved, saya akan pos korset anda.
Kalau ada banyak lagi soalan yang nak tahu mengenai korset Premium Beautiful ni, rajin-rajinlah hubungi saya.
Untuk yang berminat menjadi agent pun dialu-alukan.
Jom kita sama sama jana pendapatan sampingan untuk bantu keluarga.
Madia Tang
My Travel Story
Who doesn't love travel?
I love travel ever since I was in primary school.
I always tell my dad that I want to study abroad.
That time, study abroad to me just simple mean furthering my study away from my hometown.
As long as travel is needed, that would suffice.
Growing up in a simple family, we don't really have the money to travel here and there.
I still remember, my first ever trip was to Kota Kinabalu.
That was after I finished my UPSR.
It was a reward trip for scoring 6A's 2B's.
{In case you're wondering why there's so many subjects. Well,
I studied in Chinese school -- SRJK (C) Chung Hwa Tawau,
so, that extra subjects were my Mandarin papers.}
Ever since that memorable trip, I was so determined that one day I will make it to travel around the world.
Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah, I've visited few countries including Indonesia, China, Korea, France, Australia, Spain, Thailand, Singapore up till now. And I still have a long list of places that I want to visit in the future.
The best thing about travelling is you get to see how other people in different country lives, their culture, their behaviour and the best part is FOOD! If you know me, you sure know how much I love to eat!!! Hehehehe I always look forward to what to eat whenever I'm abroad.
For some, travelling needs a lot of money.
Yes, it is indeed.
But, if there's a chance for you to travel for
Do you want it?
All you need to prepare is pocket money for SHOPPING.
To know how you can get this?
Please contact me for more details.
Madia Tang
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Motivation Thursday
People always says.
"Opportunity only come knocking at your door ONCE."
But, for some people,
opportunities come knocking at their door step
several times.
Sometimes, we find ourselves reluctantly and cowardly refuse the opportunity that being given.
we don't dare to experience changes.
We don't dare to take challenges.
And there are also times,
when we wished we have thought differently.
Regardless of which road we pick,
there are always better things ahead for us.
So, don't give up.
Even when we're at the lowest point of life.
Stand strong and keep holding back.
Life eventually will get back at us.
Just, be patient.
Of K-Pop , K-Drama & everything Korean
I'm not really a die hard fan of K-Pop and K-Drama. (My husband would say - Really?) Well, it depends. I admit I'm a little bit over excited over them sometimes. But hey, who doesn't? I'm sure there's so many Running Man fan out there! Right??? Raise your hands up!!
I'm currently watching this K-Drama online. You can check out for online stream. This is where I get my weekly (almost biweekly) dose of K-Drama. They actually have the most recent dramas and easily can be watched over the Apple Generation and Androids. No flash player needed. Just click and play and watch till you drools. Haha
Who watched the Global Edition of We Got Married? Lee Hongki was in it. He was paired up with Japanese actress. I wish they would end up dating in real life. So, being a typical K fan, I think I like Hongki ever since. So, I googled his music videos and listen to his songs. He's the lead singer of FT Island. So, my current favourite track is Severely .It's basically a breaking heart love song. You can watch the video on youtube of course and tell me what you think.
Picture credit to Google
Monday, August 26, 2013
Melancong - tak semua orang mampu ke luar negara
Time flies so fast! It felt like it was just January yesterday.
August will leave us soon.. comes September. Wow!
I know December is the most hectic month at the airports.
Almost everyone will take this opportunity to clear the stacking annual leaves and left for holiday in and outside of the country.
Rasa-rasa kalau dapat peluang MELANCONG secara PERCUMA, mesti lagi seronok kan!!!!
Senyum lebar sampai ke telinga!!!
I've been to Perth for my honeymoon back in 2008.
And recently early this year went to Melbourne in February 2013.
Now, I am looking forward to set foot again on the land of Australia.
And, this time for FREE!
I am not really a die hard fan of roller coasters and theme parks.
But there's just so many awesome places to visit around
Gold Coast.
So!! This is your opportunity!!!
Not only for free trips like this, but this is your opportunity to transform your life from zero to hero.
From a nobody to a somebody.
For more info on the business that I'm doing right now,
please contact me;
017 6550848
Join me and I will show you the way.
Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir & Batin
Assalamualaikum & Selamat Sejahtera
Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir & Batin buat semua.
Di kesempatan ini, saya ingin mengucapkan ribuan ampun dan maaf sekiranya saya pernah terkasar bahasa dan adakalanya perbuatan yang menyinggung perasaan kalian.
Ampun dan maaf kupinta.
Dalam keseronokan kita meraikan Aidilfitri,
jangan lah lupa untuk menjaga kesihatan tubuh badan kita.
Janganlah makan minum mengikut nafsu.
Nanti kita sendiri yang menanggung padahnya.
Semoga anda semua menikmati keindahan Aidilfitri kali ni.
Selamat Hari Raya
Maaf Zahir & Batin
Note : Picture credit to Google
Friday, July 26, 2013
Decide to Success
Free Trip to South Korea in September 2013
Free Trip to South Korea, September 2013
Congratulations to all fellow partners that qualified for this trip!
You'll love South Korea to bits!
I am a KPOP and KDRAMA fan.
Admit it. I know most of you are ^.^
I pray and pray and pray and Alhamdulillah, I got the chance to visit Seoul and Jeju Island last year with my family.
Some of the must visit in Jeju and Seoul
View of the Seongsan Illchulbong, Jeju Island
The track going up to the bowl like crater.
and many many more...
Our next trip will be
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Credit to Hanis Haizi |
So, if you would like start a business and stand a chance to travel for FREE (all in expenses)
Give me a buzz, and I will show you how.
Book your appointment today.
The Power of Corset
We are already in our 17th Day of Ramadhan 1434.
In less than 2 weeks, we will be entering the month of Syawal.
I bet most of you started your Raya preparation by now.
Festive season is the time where we get to gather with our families, meet our old friends, back in school or college or uni.
Gatherings are everywhere.
Afterall, Raya kan sebulan?
So ladies, what's for this year's theme?
Kebaya? Simple Kurung? Peplum? Jubah?
I bet ALL OF US want to LOOK our BEST and PERFECT in our newly tailored or even ready to wear attires.
No one would want a bulging tummy! Kan?
What is Premium Beautiful Corset
Best selling health & beauty corset in Malaysia, and now expanding to Singapore, Brunei and even Qatar
Uses and embedded with F.I.R Technology
F.I.R Technology improves :
Blood circulation, stabilized hormone, increase metabolism rate, help to reduce weight
Who Can Wear Premium Beautiful Corset
Different woman has different body shape
Premium Beautiful is custom made to fit to ALL SIZES and SHAPES
So, don't worry.
Size is not an issue here
Health Benefits
+ For post-delivery or during confinement. Hassle free compare to traditional bengkung +
+ For back-pain & slip disc patients +
+ Helps with cyst/fibroid patients +
+ Used by Asthma patients and helps to alleviate asthma attacks +
+ Reduces post-delivery stretch marks +
+ Increases and improves firmness of the breast & buttocks +
+ Reduce constipation +
+ Helping people to conceive +
+ Reduce period pain +
+ Reduce discharge +
Proofs / Testimonials
and finally, my own experience.
Can you see the difference?
This is in just 1 MONTH.
Only wear for 8 hours a day
"Get 1 full set until 2nd August 2013 & you can get 1 FREE GIFT from me"
Contact Me For :
Free Consultation & Free Trial
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Income - Average or More?
How much is your monthly earnings?
Are you whining everytime you get your paycheck?
Secretly telling yourself it's not enough?
Is it sufficient to feed you until the next paycheck?
Spend some time reading below articles.
Credit to Google
Credit to Harian Metro Online
Isn't this most of our biggest issue now?
We don't earn enough to cope out with the current increasing cost of living.
This is why we can't just rely on a single source of income.
Therefore, to live comfortably NOW and in the FUTURE, we MUST start to DIVERSIFY our income.
You might think what you are earning now is enough. But just think again and ask yourself these few questions;
1. If you're SINGLE, don't you want to get MARRIED?
2. If you're married, don't you want to have KIDS?
3. If you have kids, don't you want them to have GOOD EDUCATION?
4. If you're a MOM, don't you want to have that FREEDOM of TIME to be with your kids?
5. If you're a HUSBAND, don't you want to have EXTRA to give to your parents? your wife? your children?
The list will go on and on and on...
Make your choice.
Be Average or Be More than Average? I chose the latter.
Yours Truly, Madia
Contact Me for Business Preview
No Obligations
You won't know until you hear and see it
017 655 0848
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
This is the second time in a row for Green Leaders Academy Malaysia (GLAM) to organize their Iftar with all the business partners.
At the entrance of JW Marriot, Bukit Bintang
Last year when GLAM started they only have 3 tables.
Look at this year, the hall is full with around 230 business partners from all over Malaysia.
That shows how fast the business grows just within one year.
Now, let the pictures do all the talking.
The Crowd
Me with Future CDM Rynn Eshak and DDM Waney
Me with CDM Maisarah Ibrahim
And finally, I ended my night with a coaching session with my mentor Rynn Eshak and Waney Zainuddin.
In this business, we have great mentors to guide us all the way.
Interested to Join and know more about the business?
You can contact me through;
FB/Instagram/ Twitter - Madia Tang
Just Call/Text Me at 017 6550848
I'll be waiting!
Yours Truly, Madia Tang
Monday, July 22, 2013
Plan A fails, there's always Plan B, C, D, E .......
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Picture Credit to Google |
You will not know, if you never try.
You will not succeed, if you afraid to try.
So, don't be afraid to make the first step. If you fall, you can always rise.
With Love, Madia
Contact Me for Business Preview
Contact Me for Business Preview
Madia Tang 017 6550848
Premium Beautiful Business - How I Got Started
Assalamualaikum.. I hope everyone is in the great of health.
In this time entry, I would like to share with all of you why of all brands that are available in the market, I chose to do this business of Premium Beautiful.
Some of you might already know, this is not a cheap corset to begin with. But, if you Google about it, there's neverending testimonials on how superb this product is! It all goes back to the name - PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL.
Some of you might already know, this is not a cheap corset to begin with. But, if you Google about it, there's neverending testimonials on how superb this product is! It all goes back to the name - PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL.
PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL corset consists of 3 separate pieces - Long Bra, Waist Nipper and Long Girdle. I have briefly explained the difference of the 3 pieces here. You can check it out.
I travel for about 200km to work daily. It's been going on for almost 5 years now. Most people ask me this : "Aren't you tired of travelling long distance every single day?" Tell me about it! Of course I am. My friends always tell me to "Get a new job or rent a house or QUIT" . Frankly speaking, I wish I can. But in reality it's not as simple as that. There's so much to consider, especially financial concerns.
Being a girl, I always look up to handbags, shoes and fashion in general. Until one day, I stumbled upon Hanis Haizi Instagram. My jaw dropped just by looking at all her Chanel collections. Tell me who's not! (Tipu lah tu) So I googled to find out who she is and what she does that she can enjoy all that luxury. Then, I googled her business partners, Maisarah Ibrahim, Rynn Eshak, Waney Zainuddin and others. All of them are so successful at the young age.
Waney, Rynn and Kak Mai in their Guangzhou Trip fully sponsored by the company
I believe this is the right business for me.
Through this business, I can achieve my dreams and goals.
Through this business, I can achieve my dreams and goals.
With Love, Madia
Contact Me for Business Sharing
Madia 017 6550848
Follow up on FB, Instagram and Twitter
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Ramadhan Mubarak
Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah In this holy month of Ramadhan, I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for anything that I've done wrong. Have a blessed Ramadhan dear friends.
Lots and lots of love
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