so. . Mak was busy to settle all the raya orders - kuih goyang resipi Wan (belah my MIL). . it's simply interesting to see Mak dipping & frying. so, kepocih me, pun sibuk to try.
1st attempt. BIG FAILURE. i cant see the look of the kuih yet. the technique was wrong. i shouldnt dip too much.
so.. i go for the 2nd attempt.. too thin pulak this time.. i dipped too little.
so.. the last one (sorry Mak for ruining ur raya biscuit) .. with pure heart and a big Bismillah, i dipped, and fried. jeng jeng jeng!! i FINALLY MADE it!! not too thin.. the shape's there.. Bravo!! hm.. i'm thinking of getting my own dipper next year. . Mak, don't blame kakak for taking over the business! ;p

hey dear, the first attempt to comel je.. hehe :) finally nye jadi jugak ye!!! :) hehehe
no worries... first attempt stil edible... lol!!! but OMG darlz... the oil!!!!!!
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