so she sms-ed me. i figured out she must be around somewhere - mid valley or bukit bintang. her second home okay!
we met up at berjaya times square, where her family resides for the couple days. not forgetting our dear nyn too! thanks hun for not letting me go to chain wedding alone!! luv ya for ya time!!
we missed shima this time.. wonder what she's doing in perth. the last time i saw her status on yahoo msgr sounded like she's under much pressure - exam perhaps.. dun worry shim. i know, we know, u can do it okay! rilex!!
i luv meet ups! especially with these girls! we have so much to talk about. so much to gossip about. to window shop around. non-stop!
psst.. adel.. u better keep up with ur mission.. we support u!!

thx 4 d support dear.. :) huhu.. thx bunches 4 coming 2 c me!!! muax!!
Hello gorgeous sis Madia!! Hey! I’m peeking into your blog!! =)Anyhow, all looks lovely! =)
haha. ellena!! thanks!! urs lovely too..
i MUST make the effort to SEE you.. you know that. i wouldnt want to MISS you again. haha
hehe.. wish i could do better at dropping by your place though.. sowie bt m usually only around kl (& not for long too i mite add).. hehe.. bt thx.. truly appreciated!!
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