Tuesday, May 21, 2013


It's really been YEARS since my last post. My son already grew up strong and healthy. Born on 6 Jan 2010, he is now 3 years old. How time flies!

Mommy and Daim, Raya 2012

He is so talkative! Believe me. He asks so many questions and sometimes I don't even have any idea how to answer. Kids nowadays are so mature!

So many things happening in my life for the past 3 years. Happy and sad. Nonetheless, I am so thankful that I am still around, still able to hold my son every single day. I'm sure all us mommies out there experienced such a great thing in life - MOTHERHOOD. I am still trying my best to keep up.

Love you so much son. May you grow up to be a great person. Amin.

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