Thursday, August 13, 2009


i was supposed to blurt out a surprise did i? but unfortunately with the whole moving-into-new-house thing & work made everything seems impossible at this stage..

well.. here goes..

it was my birthday.. well not exactly my birthday. it was 4 days away before the big day and i felt kind of weird and felt that something is growing inside of me. i realized that the period was beyond the days it supposedly to visit. i made a trip to pharmacy few days before and bought a RM7.90 test kit. surprise surprise.. it looks like i'm going to be a mom. it looked like it was positive but from other angle, it looked like it's not. i was really confused at that time.

so the next day, i went to get this super expensive RM20 test kit and guess what, within 2 seconds, with just a blink of the eyes.. i can tell you.. the 2 lines were up soooo damn fast and clear. i was speechless. seriously..

alhamdulillah.. and now i'm going into the 2nd trimester. and is almost 16weeks pregnant and with Allah bless, insyaAllah, i will due around 17 Jan 2010.. we really hope it would fall on the 10th. know why? because it's my hubby birth day!!

it's a longgggggggggg way to go...

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